1. Buildings | 2. Terminology | 3. Hero & Units | 4. Game concepts | 5.League & Geography |
1. Which of the following description of annexe is incorrect:
A city can't have an annexe and a mansion at the same time. You can recruit Lobbyist from the annexe. You can recruit pioneer from the annexe. A city with an annexe must be the sub city.
2. Which of the following description of Armorsmith is incorrect:
If you remove your Armorsmith, the units whose defense has already been increased will not decrease. When you upgrade the defense of your army, your armies that is not in the city will not be affected. Armorsmith is the construction to increase the defense of your unit. You have to train a particular unit in the Drill Ground first then upgrade its defense in the Armorsmith.
3. Which of the following description of barrack is incorrect:
When your barrack is upgraded, it will take you less time to train a unit. You have to research a particular unit in the Drill Ground first before recruiting the unit from the barrack. You can train infantry and cavalry in the barrack. You can only train infantry in the barrack.
4. Which of the following description of Builder's Guild is incorrect:
Builder's Guild can't increase the construction speed of a building. The higher level your Builder's Guild is, the faster your construction speed will be. 199 200
5. Which of the following description of bunker is incorrect:
Bunker is used for protecting your soldier. Bunker is used for protecting your soldier. Bunker is used for protecting your soldier. You can put your Demolisher in the bunker.
6. Which of the following description of Career Center is incorrect:
You can't occupy an oasis if you don't have a Career Center. If you don't have a Career Center in your city, you cannot have a hero. You can recruit heroes by "Hiring" and "Headhunting". Historical hero may come to your city.
7. Which of the following description of Career Center is correct:
On each day, two new heroes will appear in your Career Center. Build more Career Centers, more heroes will appear in the Career Center. On each day, four new heroes will appear in your Career Center. Career Center will produce some contribution to the court on each day.
8. Which of the following description of Command Centers is incorrect:
You can't carry out a military action without the Command Centers Command Center is the place to train your army. After you activate the stealth transport function, the newly recruited soldiers will move to the appointed city automatically. You can check the experience of your hero.
9. Which of the following description of Drill Ground is incorrect:
You can train more units as the level of your Drill Ground increases. If you remove your Drill Ground, the population of your city will decrease. All your cities can share one Drill Ground. You can't build a stable if you don't have a Drill Ground.
10. Which of the following description of Governor's House is incorrect:
You can appoint a governor of the city, providing relif and imposing a curfew in the city. You can recruit Lobbyists from the Governor's House. You can tax the civilians in the Governor's House, but civilian's loyalty will decrease. You can meet with your hero in the Governor's House.
11. Which of the following description of Hidden Warehouse is incorrect:
Hidden Warehouse is immune to Battering Ram. The storage volume of Wu's Hidden Warehouse is twice as many as the other 2 countries. If you are attacked by players of Shu, the effect of your Hidden Warehouse will decrease by 1/3 The same as granary, Hidden Warehouse can increase the grain storage volume of your city.
12. Which of the following description of Hidden Warehouse is incorrect:
Hidden Warehouse is immune to the Demolisher. Hidden Warehouse can effectively protect your resources from being looted by enemy. You can build many Hidden Warehouses in a city. The effect of the Hidden Warehouse can overlap.
13. Which of the following description of Ironworks is incorrect:
You can produce devices here such as Battering Ram and Demolisher. Battering Ram can only attack the city wall. The higher level your Ironworks is, the less time it will take to recruit a Battering Ram or Demolisher. Demolisher can attack all constructions.
14. Which of the following description of League Flag is incorrect:
League Flag will attract enemy to attack it. When the League Flag reaches the maximum level, your league can compete for the dominance of an 7*7 area. You can only have one League Flag in a city. Leader of league has the right to move a city in his sphere of influence.
15. Which of the following description of library is incorrect:
You can research on increasing the merchant loading in the library. Wu Country can research on traffic boat. Shu Country can research on traffic vehicle. Wei Country can't carry out researches in library.
16. Which of the following description of mansion is incorrect:
Mansion ans annexe is the same in the factor of function. Only the city with the mansion can occupy 3 oases. If you remove the mansion in a city and move it to another city, the level of your resource fields in your city may reduce because of the resource field level cap of mansion and annexe. You can't use "Instant Completion" function when building mansion and annexe.
17. Which of the following description of mansion is incorrect:
You can build an annexe and a mansion in a city. The city where the mansion locates is the main city. You can recruit politician from the mansion. You can recruit pioneer from the mansion.
18. Which of the following description of market is incorrect:
The higher level your market is, the more resources you can transport. You have to build a market first to transport resources to other cities. Their is no pre-requirement for building a market. Mystery merchant don't sell weapons and equipment.
19. Which of the following description of Monitor Office is incorrect:
Monitor Office will increase the quality of your construction. The higher level your Builder's Guild is, the faster your construction speed will be. The higher level your Monitor Office is, the stronger your constructions will be. The level of your construction will still decrease when attacked by Demolisher even if you have had a Monitor Office.
20. Which type of oasis we don't have in game?
Increase the ouput of the wood by 25%. Increase the ouput of the stone by 25%. Increase the ouput of the grain by 50%. Increase the ouput of the iron by 50%.
21. Which of the following description of Scout Camp is incorrect:
Scouts will not fail to spy the enemy force. The higher level your Scout Camp is, the less time it will take to recruit a scout. Scout Camp is the place to train ranged attack units. If you leave your scout in the city, you will have the effect of counterreconnaissance
22. Which of the following description of stable is incorrect:
With the help of recruit assistant, you can recruit the most soldier amount. The higher level your stable is, the less time it will take to recruit a cavalry. The higher level your stable is, the less resources it will take to recruit a cavalry. Each country has its own unique unit.
23. Which of the following description of theatre is incorrect:
You can deposit resources to the theatre and hold celebration to increase the commercial value of your city. All your cities can share one theatre. The resources you deposited to the theatre can be withdrew if necessary. Theatre can hold celebration to increase the commercial value of your city.
24. Which of the following description of tower is incorrect:
If you want to upgrade your tower to level 15, you have to upgrade your city wall to level 15 first. You can send your archers into the tower. When your archers are in the tower, their attack equals to their defense. Your reinforcement from other cities can go into tower too.
25. Which of the following description of Valor Camp is incorrect:
To build a Valor Camp, you have to upgrade your Command Center and Drill Ground to level 20 first. You can upgrade the speed of the unit in the Valor Camp. When you are upgrading the speed of your unit, the unit that is not in your town can be upgraded to The speed of the infantry hero and cavalry hero should be upgraded respectively.
26. Which of the following description of wall is incorrect:
The city wall of Wei provides the best defense but it is easy to be destroyed. The city wall of Shu provides the lowest defense but it is difficult to be destroyed. The city wall of Wu has the balanced attribute. All countrie's city walls are the same.
27. Which of the following description of wall is incorrect:
You can setup rolling log and rolling stone on your city wall. When your city wall is upgraded, you can setup more blindages on your city wall. Traps will cause great casualty to enemy infantries. Traps will cause great casualty to enemy cavalry.
1. What does alliance mean in game?
Two leagues who are at war with each other. Two players in the same league. Two leauges at war. Two leagues ally with each other.
2. What is called "Assisting Defense" in game?
Defend a city together with your alliance. Holding tight in defence a city Use the attacker to defense a city. All the army in the city stay in the city.
3. Players often mention Audi when they are chatting. What does Audi stand for in this case?
Attack the enemy city but get no resources. Battering Ram Demolisher The amount of resources you gain by attacking a city is less the the amount of resources you spend to attack it.
4. What is called "Black Lamp" in game?
Server maintenance. Inactive players who do not log in the game for more than 5 days. Banned players. Players without a league.
5. Which situation is usually called "Calm" by players?
Intermarriage between league and league. An area where fierce battles do not occur for a long time. Players who live by looting other cities. Players who prefer solo.
6. Which kind of players is called Dead Sheep in game?
Players with good bearing. Players who do not have the ability to strike back when attacked. Inactive player. A city that is attacked by many player at the same time.
7. What is called "Defense Break"?
A city without army. Send the attacker out of your city when enemy attacks your city. All the defense force are eliminated by the attacker of the invading side. Defend a city together with your alliance.
8. What is called "Double Strike" in game?
Attck two cities at the same time. Two players attack the same city at the same time. Two players attack each other. Command the Demolishers to attack 2 targets at the same time in the Command Center.
9. What is called "Entrust" in game?
Players without a league. Players who play the game in a cyber cafe. A function in game that allow you to entrust a player or help the other player to administrater the account. A function in game. You entrust your account to the system.
10. What does "Even up" stand for in game?
All your resources have been looted by your enemy. All your resource fileds have reached the max level. Trade with the mystery merchant in the market and swap a resource for the resources you need. Your warehouse and granary is full of resources.
11. What activity is called farming in game?
Collecting resources for a long time. Looting the resource from other city. Players with many cities. Players with many accounts.
12. Players usually describe a kind of Battale as "Fireworks", what is that?
Battles that take place in holidays. You just occupy a city but lose it at once. Just like firework disappear in a blink of an eye. A nip and tuck battle. Both sides will not retreat until they fight to death. The fighting is so tough and beautiful, just like fireworks. The battle between two close cities. The turn of defense and attack happens very quickly, just like firework disappear in a blink of an eye.
13. What is called "Flying City"?
A sub city that provides resource to your main city. Two cities which are far from each other. The action that use special item to move your city to the other place. The first sub city of a player.
14. What does "FS" stand for in game?
The abbreviation for "For sale", which means what items are available in the Mall. The abbreviation for "Full Speed.", which stands for the army march at full speed. The abbrevation for "fans". Abbreviation for "Fleetsave". Send your attacker out of your town when you are offline to avoid enemy sneak attack.
15. What is called "Instant Building" in game?
The level of your construction is low so you can complete it in a short time. Use "Instant Completion" function to build a construction in an incredible speed. It takes a long time to build the construction and it will be completed in some seconds. Continuously upgrade a single construction.
16. Which of the following description of mobilization order is incorrect?
Increase the member max limit of your league. The player who donate a "Mobilization Order" will become a core member of the league. Only the leader of a league can use the mobilization order A core member can't be kicked out of the league within 2 weeks.
17. Which kind of players is called Peasant in game?
Players with lots of resources. Players of Shu country. Players with extremely high grain output. Players who can defend themselves and concentrate on collecting resources.
18. Which activity is called "plunder" in game?
A strategy that base on looting the resources in other player's city. Occupy the oasis. Attack the camp. Players with the historical hero attacks the other players.
19. What does the productivity means?
The resources your army consume in an hour. The new constructions appear in an hour. The soldiers you recruit in an hour. Your resources output in an hour.
20. What is called "Pursue and Attack" in game?
Arrive at the enemy city and attack it when enemy attacker just returns to the city. A group of army that arrive at the target in some consecutive seconds. When enemy army come in different waves, you precisely choose defend or avoid enemy attack. The attacker who will arrive at the target in a few seconds.
21. What is a satellite city?
A sub city that provide resource to your main city. Two cities which are far from each other. The action that use special item to move your city to the other place. The first sub city of a player.
22. Which kind of player is called "Sheep"?
Players with good bearing. Players who do not have the ability to strike back when attacked. Inactive player. A city that is attack by many player at the same time.
23. What is "Tortoise Player" in game?
Players who do not have the ability to strike back when attacked. Players who retreat all his army out of the city when attaked. Players with extremely high defense. Players who never be attacked.
24. What does "Universal X" (X is a number) stand for in game?
All your resource fields have reached to the same level. The number of your sub cities. Your total city number. The number of soldiers in your city.
25. What is called "Warehouse Explosion"?
All your rescources are looted by your enemy. All your resource fileds have reached the max level. Trade with the mystery merchant in the market and swap a resource for the resources you need. Your warehouse and granary is full of resources.
26. What is called "Wave Attack" in game?
Attck the enemy city when enemy attacker just returns to the city. A group of army that will arrive at the target in some consecutive seconds like waves. When enemy army come in different waves, you precisely choose defend or avoid enemy attack. The attacker who will arrive at the target in a few seconds.
27. Which kind of players is called Wolf in game?
Players who live by looting other cities. Players with bad bearing. Players who like to sneak attack other players. Players who like to work together to attack other player.
1. What kind of item your hero can't equip?
The Art of War Tales of Mountain and Sea Strategies of the Warring States Pearl
2. Which of the following description of hero is correct:
Hero's strength affects your units' success rate to use scrolls. Hero's leadership affects your units' success rate to use scrolls. Hero's intellect affects your units' success rate to use scrolls. Hero's political affects your units' success rate to use scrolls.
3. Which of the following description of hero is correct:
Hero is appointed as the governor, his strength affects the resources output of your city. Hero is appointed as the governor, his leadership affects the resources output of your city. Hero is appointed as the governor, his intellect affects the resources output of your city. Hero is appointed as the governor, his political affects the resources output of your city.
4. Which of the following description of hero is correct:
Hero's strength affects the attack of your units. Hero's leadership affects the attack of your units. Hero's intellect affects the attack of your units. Hero's Political affects the attack of your units.
5. Which hero's attribute will affect the attack and defense of your army?
Strength Leadership Political Intellect
6. Which of the following description on hero position is incorrect?
Clerk A Intellect +1 Clerk B Political +1 Privat A Attack +1% Private B Defense +1%
7. In which condition your hero's HP cannot be restored?
When your hero stays in town. Miraculous Cure Pray Instant Recall
8. Which of the following description on historical hero is incorrect?
Historical hero can't obtain experience. Historical hero can learn a skill. All historical hero's level is level 100. The strength of the historical heroes is always higher than normal heroes.
9. In which of the following way can't you obtain a historical hero?
Attck the the city where historical hero will appear. Attack oasis. Headhunting Visiting
10. Which of the following description of hero experience is incorrect:
Your hero will obtain experience by attacking the camp of banditis. Your hero will obtain experience by attacking the oasis. If your hero is defeated, he will not obtain experience from this fight. Your hero's experience will not increase.
11. Which of the following description of hero escaping is incorrect?
Hero may escape when attacking the camp. Hero will never escape. You can call back the heroes on exile. If your hero escapes, his item may lose.
12. Which unit has the fastest speed?
Militia Woman Cavalry Cavalary Archer Qing Zhou Cavalry
13. Which of the following is not an equipemnt for heroes?
Long Heavenly Double Lance Long Serpent Spear Tribution Token Sword of Stars
14. Which unit costs you less resources?
Militia Woman Cavalry Qing Zhou Cavalry Spearman
1. Why your population doesn't reduce after you are looted by others?
Enemy is good. Today is the Peace Day. You have a good luck. You enemy doesn't use Battering Ram and Demolisher.
2. Which of the following action will not increase the output of your resources?
Upgrade resource field. Appoint a governor Equip a Note of Technic to your governor. Upgrade city wall.
3. Will a battle occur when the server is under maintenance?
No. Yes.
4. Which of the following ways to transport resources is incorrect?
Click enemy city and then select "Transport Resources". Select "Transport Resources" in the stable. Enter the city name or coordination and then select "Transport". Click "Transport" in overview.
5. Which of the following you can't get by attacking camp of banditis?
Da-Yuan Horse Scroll [Fire Arrow] Tales of Mountain and Sea Tax Permission
6. Which of the following description of the game rule is incorrect?
You can provide or receive 3 hour's resources output from other players in 24 hours. You can entrust other player to administer your account. When you are reinforcing another city, you can bring the grain that your unit is going to consume in 24 hours to the city you are reinforcing. When you swap your resources with other players, you don't have to abide to the 1:1 exchange rate.
7. Which of the following description of the game rule is correct?
You can entrust your account to three players at the same time. The real cash trade is allowed. Account sharing is allowed. All the descriptions are false.
8. Which of the following description of resources is incorrect:
There are 4 kinds of resources: Wood, Stone, Iron and Grain. You can upgrade your resource fields to increase your resource output. Warehouse is used for store all resources. Granary is used for storing grain while other resources are stored in the warehouse.
9. Which item is not soled in the mal
Skill Book Quest Item Hero Equipment Items
10. Which of the following description on message is incorrect?
Click the letter icon behind the player name to send him a message. Click the "Reply" button to reply the message you receive. You can directly reply a system message. 53
11. Your word will be seen by all players if you speak in which channel?
League World Private System
12. Which of the following constructions can be shared by your different cities?
Theatre Drill Ground City Wall Builder's Guild
13. What does rice represent in game?
The hourly grain output. The total grain amount in your city. The population your arm forces take. It is also a symbol of the power of your force. Grain
14. How to caculate the speed of the mixed force?
The speed of the mixed force is the same as the unit with the fastest speed in your mixed force. On anverage. The same as the speed of your hero. The speed of the mixed force is the same as the unit with the slowest speed in your mixed force.
15. Which of the following description on account entrust is incorrect?
You need the account and password of the player who entrust his account to you. You need the entruster's invitation to administer his account. You can switch to the entruster's account in your personal information page. You can have two entrusted accounts.
16. Which of the following description of game time is correct:
Game time is the same as your computer. Game time will provide players a coordinated universal time for the player in game. It is only a time in game. 1 minute equals to 2 minutes in the real life. It is only a time in game. 1 minute equals to 0.5 minutes in the real life.
17. Which type of city does not exist in game?
A city with 15 Farmlands A city with 10 Farmlands A city with 9 Farmlands A city with 6 Farmlands
18. What will happen when your grain is negative?
Your grain will increase automatically. Your soldiers in the city will starve. You can't build a construction. There is no bad influence to you.
19. Which country can develop the inner city and outer city at the same time?
Wei Shu Wu All the anwers are correct.
20. In which condition will you fail to establish a sub city?
When your commercial value has reached a certain amount. When you have enough pioneers. When your pioneer is in the bunker. You choose a vacant field to establish a city.
21. What city is your main city?
The city that belongs to the leader of a league only. The city of the leader of a league. A city with many resources field. A city has a mansion.
22. What we can't do in game?
Switch Server Become the emperor Entrust your account to other player. Change your name displayed.
23. Which of the following description of Token of Motivation is incorrect?
Increase the member max limit of your league. The player who donate a "Token of Motivation" will become a core member of theleague. Only the leader of a league can use the Token of Motivation A core member can't be kicked out of the league within 2 weeks.
1. How to recognize the cities of the members of the hostile league?
The city of the members of the hostile league is shown in red. The city of the members of the hostile league is shown in orange. The city of the members of the hostile league is shown in green. The city of the members of the hostile league is shown in blue.
2. How to recognize the cities of the members of the same league?
The city of the members of the same league is shown in red. The city of the members of the same league is shown in orange. The city of the members of the same league is shown in green. The city of the members of the same league is shown in blue.
3. How to recognize the cities of the members of the friendly league?
The city of the members of the friendly league is shown in red. The city of the members of the friendly league is shown in orange. The city of the members of the friendly league is shown in green. The city of the members of the friendly league is shown in blue.
4. How to recognize the cities of yuor own?
Your city is shown in red. Your city is shown in orange. Your city is shown in green. Your city is shown in blue.
5. Which state does not belong to Jian Ning?
Liang Zhou Yong Zhou Si Zhou Bing Zhou
6. Which state does not belong to the scope of Chai Sang?
Xu Zhou Yang Zhou Jing Zhou Si Zhou
7. Xiang Ping is not belong to the scope of which state in the city wall?
You Zhou Yu Zhou Qing Zhou Jiao Zhou
